Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mandy - Day... Who The Heck Knows Anymore?

Dear Jillian Michaels,

Let me open with, I think you look amazing in your 30 Day Shred video.  Your cohorts, also amazing.  You must work REALLY hard to maintain that physique, and live off plain lettuce, beans, and skinless chicken.  Every day, when you pull on your cropped pants and sports bra, and notice that they simply sit on the surface of your skin, rather than snuggle into your back fat, it makes those meals worth it.  You are awesome.

I think it's important to praise you first, because I'm going to rip you a new A-hole for telling me that in 30 days, I will be transformed.  I will be shredded.  Absolutely, I saw results.  But what your DVD does not have, is a warning label.  It should state, "Don't delude yourself into thinking you can do this for 30 days straight.  Enclosed is a monotonous, torturous set of activities to bore you to death, and cause you to walk with a limp from over doing it."  I might have been shredded after 30 days.  But there isn't a chance I'll ever know.  Well, perhaps if I hit the winning numbers and get to jet off to Fiji at a whim, and have someone to cook for me, clean for me, and work my full time job (but not someone to care for my toddler, I like that job), I won't relish the time I get to simply SIT ON MY FAT ASS so much and will manage to Shred for 30 days.

Further, I believe it should include a leaflet that discourages people from taking on this task during the holidays.  Any holidays, but particularly Christmas.  I have not shredded since Dec 23rd.  I am noticeably fatter (my skinny pants would have screamed at me if they had a voice this morning), and well, entering JANUARY... the bleakest month of the year.  Bikini season is something I heard about... one time... I'm not sure there is a summer? 

So, Jillian... what I am getting to, is this:  I would like to Shred 3 times a week, and reintroduce running at the gym on my lunch 2 times a week.  I miss running, and you were sapping all my already limited energy.  You're going to have to cry into the spirulina laced protein shake you're having for breakfast.

Your friend,


  1. Ditto, ditto and ditto. I haven't shredded since Dec 24th. I really thought I'd be a superstar and still shred every day over the holidays..... But then I got tired. And my family came to town to visit....

    And I'll tell you what, I'd way way WAY rather spend quality time with my sister and gorgeous nephew than tire myself out even more by shredding.

    I also notice a difference in my lack of shredding. Some of it not so good... But guess what? My knee and ankle are 100%! Yay!

    My family is in town until Sunday. I will be starting my shred over from day 1 and have until Monday to figure out how I will approach my second attempt.

    I still think we're awesome.

  2. I still think you're awesome. Mandy especially right now, because she's no longer making me feel guilty! :)

    Happy New Year,'re both beauty-ful whether you're shredding or vegging.

  3. AMEN on swimminhill's comment. I tried to join you both at the beginning of your shred, and then I stopped even reading your attempts because the closest I would get to completing the DVD was to look at it on the shelf...

    I'm not going to commit to doing it every single day, but I've got a wii fit now, so I'm going to commit to doing the shred 3 times a week and doing the wii fit 3 days a week (for at least 30 minutes)...

    Thanks for being honest about your struggles. This is like going to the gym with a friend now. Now that I'm accountable, I'm more likely to actually show up and do the work.

    "Happy" Shredding!
