Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mandy- Skip.

For frig!  It is IMPOSSIBLE as a single mom to commit to this program 30 days straight.  It's 7:48 pm (read: 48 minutes past Shae's bedtime) and she's on the couch watching Beauty and the Beast.  During my regularly scheduled Shred time... so here I sit... waiting for the kid to yawn. 

I'm going to say I'm waiting for Sarah - don't want to get too far ahead of her.  Weighed in at 138.8. 


  1. Good call... I don't want you to get too far ahead either. :)

    It's 7:51pm on a Sunday night. -28 with the wind chill. And I'm at work. I was having trouble logging on from home so had to come into the office to get something done for tomorrow morning. :( Just waiting for some things to print and then I'm outta here.

    On the bright side, I went to the Running Room today and got them to help me get some snazzy new running shoes that will be good for me! (And more importantly, good for my knee and ankle.)

    I was there for close to TWO hours trying on different shoes and having the Running Room guy watch me walk around to see how they were fitting.

    Of course, the pretty ones didn't work for me. The ones I liked the look of the very very least are the ones that felt the best. Sigh.

    S'ok. They're still snazzy. I'm excited to try them out tomorrow!

    Now, I need to buy a scale (I'll weigh myself in the gym before I leave the office tonight) and GET SHREDDED!

  2. I get up before the kids so I can have my workout time. I wake up at 5 and am usually done working out by 6:30. It makes for a much happier day because its done and out of the way!
