Monday, January 31, 2011

Sarah - Skip

I have a sick baby girl…. Tried to go into work after I took her to the doc, but daycare called and said I had to go get her. Her fever was too high and she was just sitting there staring. Poor girl.

So, I'm skipping tonight so I can get some work done. Last night I shredded at like 11pm and it almost killed me. I really have to stop doing it so late. (Well, that AND it was Level 2 which is hard for me.)

It's 9:30 now and I'm just sitting down to do some work. I'm not gonna stress about the shred tonight.


Mandy - Skip

So, I totally called it - Day 1 of Level 3, and Jillian Michaels, tried to kill me.

I'm barfy today, and I'm not pointing fingers... but I think we all know I have "the sight" now, right?
BRING IT ON, MICHAELS!  I'm down, but I'm not dead, you evil fitness queen.

See you tomorrow. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sarah - Day 11

Oh. My. God.

I can't believe how blasé Mandy's been about Level 2. Seriously.

1. It takes coordination. Like, real coordination…. I had to stop and stare at Jillian while thinking, "Wuck am I supposed to be doing??"

2. Ummm… It's pretty effing hard!!! I think I might have hurt my knee again (the other one this time), I fell once because my stupid mat slipped (that's not how I hurt my knee), and I even ripped a piece off of my mat with my foot. Seriously…. I don't even know how. But when I was finished Level 2 I looked down and there's just a big grey chunk of mat hangin' about, not attached to anything.

I think I hurt my knee by trying to do some sort of twisty thing, or maybe it was the lunge thing where you do it forward then backward… I lost my balance. It could have been that one.

Anyway - WOW, am I ever a hot mess! My shirt is soaked. Gah…. At least I know I'm gettin' somewhere.

Like Mandy, IF I'm still alive tomorrow I will NOT be looking forward to shredding. I'm a little terrified.

Jillian…. My hate for you is back on.

Mandy - Day 21

Weigh in - 134.8 lbs

I think I've said it, but I really mean it today.  Jillian Michaels is trying to kill me.  If I haven't posted a blog tomorrow night, send my mom to pick up Shae, and a coroner, I will have succumbed in my sleep to Day 1 of Level 3.

If there is ANYONE reading this blog (um, at all), that has completed the Shred.  Today is the day you need to pipe up and tell me I am going to be able to do some of this stuff.

Ugh.  I feel old.  Thanks Jilly.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mandy - Day 20

Weigh in - 135.4

Level 2 is complete!  I've never even peeked at Level 3.  I seriously am afraid.  Level 1 took me a few days to start feeling like I was sorta keeping up, Level 2 took me until, um, Day 7?  Hopefully by Day 10 of Level 3 I'll be sort of strong enough to complete it!

Sarah - Day 10!!!

Yay! Day 10 is complete! (And guess what… I did it thinking it was only day 9, but then I read Mandy's comment on my last post. Yahoooo!)

So, this also means Level 1 is complete. Yay!!!!!!

My last weigh-in (yesterday morning) was 133.6. I don't know where those 5 lbs went cause I don't look any different. My clothes don't feel any different. Why-oh-why doesn't instant gratification apply when it comes to exercise?

I mean, I feel better… Like stronger, and I can do more, and I'm proud of myself. But I'm so done with the flab. (I know, I know… You're all shaking your heads saying, "Then quit slacking off!" I completely agree.)

Anyhoo, I shredded this morning so I won't have to do it tonight! I've got plans to go to my beautiful (and SO FUNNY) friend Stephanie's house. I'm excited, we haven't had good quality time together in ages. I miss her.

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic weekend.

Oh, and something for the road… This is Mandy:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sarah - Day 9.2

FINALLY!!! My second attempt at day 8 is complete!

I think I worked way harder than normal today, but I feel good! I know I'm mostly a slacker, but I'm really proud of myself! Do you know how many push-ups I can do? Well, neither do I… But I can do them for the whole time that I'm supposed to! Tomorrow I'll try to remember to count them. :)

I'm kind of nervous for Level 2. I've never been to level 2 before…. It's a pretty scary unknown. But I want to be like Mandy! I want my belly to flatten out! (Even more importantly, I'd like aaallll of my flab to exit the scene.) So, instead of being scared of Level 2, I will embrace it.

That's right.

And I have two more days to get ready for the big embrace.

I forgot to weigh-in. I'll have to do that with my blog post tomorrow.

Mandy - Day 18

Weigh in - 136.2 lbs

Someone told me today - "Wow!  You're belly is really flattening out."

There can be no better day in 2011.

Oh, and Sarah's post made me laugh off 100 more calories. 

Sarah (aka: Worst Shredder Ever) - Skip

So, my hot date was a no-go. But, did I shred??

No. I did not.

I ended up working late, then went home had cereal for dinner again and went to bed because I had to come into work early today. I was here before 7am and have a meeting (that might go into overtime) from 5:00 - 6:00 tonight.... It's going to be a looooooooooooong day. Sigh.

Then I'm going to drop off Luisa's (Hi Luisa, if you're reading!) exersaucer and high chair (that I borrowed for my nephew's visit) and have a quick visit with her and the boys. Probably a very very quick visit because I'm going to be half dead by the end of my long day.

Because I'm such a slacker (and really I'm the only one who's going to pay the price, but still...) I decided to post a couple of funnies to entertain you.

Have you ever seen the website? Sometimes I have out-of-control laughing fits while reading. So, here are some "I'm sorry I suck so bad at shredding" funnies for your reading pleasure:

Mandy - Day 17

Weigh in - 137.6

I did shred - other than the cardio, because I needed to fold laundry.  Seriously.  My kid is a barf machine when she has a cough and I did laundry.  All. Friggin'. Day.

I also showered early because I was barfed upon and didn't want to sweat.  So I skipped the cardio portions and folded laundry... I really CAN do it all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sarah - Skip

Sigh... excuses, excuses...

I worked late last night. Until 10:30pm, yuck.

Then went home, had rice krispies with cut up banana for dinner (too tired for anything else). Then had to tidy my place for my hot date tonight. Except that I was too tired to really do a good job so I just did the dishes and emptied garbages. BUT, it turns out it might not matter because my hot date's boss is panicking because of a crisis at work so said date might be postponed. *sob*

On the bright side... No date tonight means I'll be able to shred! (I still hope we don't have to postpone, but I'm just trying to be optimistic.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mandy - Day 16

Weigh in - 136.8

That low number baffles me - it was a "stay home in your jammies with a sick kid" day, and there was a LOT of eating going on.  Hm.  I like it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sarah - Day 8.2

I'm updating from my phone cause I'm too tired to get on my 'puter.

Shredded, showered, headache, exhausted.

Hopefully it'll be a more exciting post tomorrow.

Good night!

Oh, and my weigh-in that I did right before I shredded was 136.0.

Mandy - Day 15, again

Weigh in - 137.2

This is IT!  My last "again" post... This was where I finished my last attempt... tomorrow, Day 16. (PER.I.OD.)  I'd like to say it's all downhill from this mid point, but I'm pretty sure Level 3 will be the equivalent of scaling Everest in 20 minutes.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mandy - Day 14, again

Weigh in - 137 lbs

Random Shred thought - Jillian motivates at one point in level 2 by pointing to one of her goons (one of the two women sculpted from marble) and says, "If she can do it, YOU can do it." 


Hmmmmm, if she pointed to a 650 lb, 80 year old man that would have made some sense... Jillian... really.

Sarah - (Almost Day 8.2)

Ha! I love that I thought I'd be able to shred while away for the weekend. I'm so optimistic.

It was a relaxing time, but also busy. We had hotel babysitters booked for both Friday and Saturday nights so Colleen and I could visit with my work peeps and their families and have a few drinks.

So, the babysitter was booked until midnight both nights. When we got back Talulah was sleeping so I wasn't going to shred and wake her up. (Plus, I was exhausted!)

During the day we spent most of the time in a HUGE bouncy castle (so I DID get some exercise!), and getting Talulah's face painted and trying to get her to nap….

Anyway, it was a GREAT weekend, but I'm really glad to be home. We just got here and I have unpacking, tidying, cleaning and parenting to do. If I'm not too tired tonight then I'll pick up my shred again… If I'm too tired I'll pick it up tomorrow.

Hope y'all had a great weekend… And hopefully I'll update again tonight after I shred. :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mandy - Day 13, again

Weigh in - 136.4 lbs

That's right!  I shredded!

No, I did NOT find my copy, but a fellow shredder, Joelene, mentioned she saw the Shred at Walmart for a whopping $6.83... and lo, I found one! 

I immediately got into "The Squat" and looked directly into Shae's eyes and turned on the mom tone, "Shaelin.  Do you remember how you lost mommy's "exercise" (as she calls it)?  Do not lay ONE FINGER on mommy's new exercise, OK?"

She looked very serious and said "Okay, mommy.  I no lose exercise.". 

The word of a 2 year old is golden, right?

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sarah - Skip

Mandy… We're twins today!

Unfortunately, I'm choosing to skip. *guilty face* Today is my dad's 61st birthday and he's all alone. So, I took him out for dinner and a movie. It's now 10:18pm and I just got home. I still have to pack for my weekend away with work (and Talulah and Colleen!!) so I'm going to skip the shred tonight.

BUT… I'm packing my laptop, my weights, and my shred DVD (sorry Mandy, still have mine) for my weekend away. That's right folks, I'll be shredding from Chateau Lake Louise!

Hopefully Colleen will still want to be my bestie after she watches me grunt through a weekend with Jillian. You know what?? She's seen me in much worse states than that… MUCH worse. So I'm not worried. She'll still love me…. She just might laugh at me all weekend. *shrug*

Mandy - Skip.

I totally would have shredded.  But I have a talented 2 year old.  She opened my disk drive, removed my shred and then magically made it disappear.  That disk went to the same place my DVD player remote went last week, and that place is still undetermined.

I'll order one on Amazon tomorrow, and hope that my pretzels dipped in Nutella addiction doesn't undo all my hard work!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sarah - Day 7.2

Shredded, showered….. Not feeling well and exhausted so I have nothing else to say.

Oh, except that I think my scale is eff'd. Here's why:

Last night, naked weigh-in = 135.2
This morning, naked weigh-in = 133.5
Tonight, fully clothed weigh-in = 138.2

WTF? I get the whole different time of day stuff… But could my clothes really weigh THAT much? Enough to make that much of a difference? I'm too tired to bother with a naked weigh-in tonight. I'm blogging from bed and there's not a chance I'll be getting out of bed until tomorrow morning.

Unless Talulah needs something. I'll always get out of bed for her. She's so cute.

Mandy - Day 12, again

Weigh in - 137.6
I half butt shredded.  It's so hard to move to level 2... and it's Wednesday... where's the weekend?  Here's to more energy tomorrow?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sarah - Day 6.2

I'm shredded, showered, and now blogged.

Oh, and I remembered to buy a 9 volt battery for my scale! Yaaayyy!

I'm too tired to do anything else tonight, so I'll start my weigh-in in the morning.

G'night y'all!

Mandy - Day 11, again

Weigh in - 136.6 lbs

Day 11 - Restart to Level 2!  So brutal.  I did it while Shae was awake, because, well, Tuesdays are McDonalds day* and so we were both fed and looking for trouble by 515.  We exercised together, and I only had to threaten her with banishment to the couch 5482 times when she tried to crawl all over me.  It was fun!

*before you judge me, think about it.  What is TUESDAY good for?  FECK ALL.  No one looks forward to Tuesday, it's not a landmark day in the week (think hump day), it's crappy TV night, the weekend is soooooo far away, it's JANUARY - blech... I could go on and on.  Personally, I'd lobby the government for subsidized "McDonald's Tuesdays" in every home if I were Tuesday.  Besides, I don't get me any fries, it's practically diet McDonalds.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sarah - Day 5.2

First, let me say…. Mandy - You're my hero. I think you're amazing and you kick ass. For real.

So, I'm finished my second attempt at day 5. Phewf… It felt good! I pushed myself harder today, not that I don't normally work hard. I just worked WAY harder today. When I thought I couldn't lift my 3lb weights up to my eyes while doing a side squat any longer, I just pushed through it! I'm surprised my grunting didn't wake up Talulah.

Speaking of Talulah, she still didn't want to sleep tonight. After a valiant effort on my part, and an hour and a half of "bed time", I told her that Mommy was done saying goodnight and it was time to go to sleep. I gave her a few kisses and an, "I love you" and left the room.

She laid there for literally an hour singing, "No cose eyes Mommy" over and over and over again…… It was adorable. She's sleeping now, and I didn't have to go back into her room even once. Now, I'll have to work on cutting down the time I'm saying goodnight.

Anyway, I'm shredded… My kid's sleeping… And I feel good!

Oh, except the fact that I still forgot to buy a 9 volt battery. I'm awesome.

OMG! Mandy - Day 10, again!

Weigh in - 136.2

Seriously, this round is flying by - I can't believe Day 10 is complete! 

I almost skipped.  Had a bath with Shae (and I know I should curb this, before she can start telling strangers the state of my nether regions), then we went to bed - me with a magazine, Shae with a sippy cup... it was sooooo relaxing... but after an hour, realized I WANTED to shred. 

Who AM I?  What has Jillian done to me?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sarah - Day 4.2

I had another bbm meltdown to Mandy. Talulah's been anti-sleep this past little while. Friday night she didn't go down until 11:00pm and then was up every 1 to 1.5 hours throughout the entire night. Good grief.

Then Saturday night she was at her dad's house, but I had a killer headache and was throwing up all night (I'm fine today, just a little nauseous… Weird.) so I still didn't get much sleep and obviously didn't shred.

Tonight was much of the same in the beginning. It just wasn't starting off well… No nap today, Talulah screaming and crying and refusing diaper, pj's, bed, sitting…. Sigh.

So, I had a meltdown and bbm'd Mandy with a very dramatic I'llnevergettoshredagainI'msooverwhelmedwithmylife text and then, guess what? A few short minutes after I sent the text, Talulah stopped crying. She was asleep. Then I felt like the meanest mom ever, feeling sorry for myself while Talulah's crying herself to sleep. Sigh. Poor Lula.

At least day 4 is complete (again)! I still don't have a weigh in… Never did get around to buying a battery for my new scale. I'll try to remember tomorrow.

Keep your fingers crossed for smooth bedtimes from now on!

Mandy - Day 9, again

Weigh in - 139 lbs...

Very discouraging.  Almost discouraging enough to attack the Nutella jar with my pretzels... again.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mandy - Day 8, again

Weigh in - 138.2

Shredded to "The Princess Bride".  Sigh.  So good.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mandy - Day 7, again

Weigh in - 137.2

Shred Day 7, complete.

It is Friday.  That is all.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sarah - Skip

I know, I know… It's only been three days and I'm already skipping.

But, I worked super late, then went to buy a scale (which I forgot to buy a battery for so I can't weigh in), then groceries (cause I didn't on Tuesday), then home to prep our slow cooker dinner for tomorrow, then make lunch…. Now, it's almost 10:30pm and I still haven't had dinner.

Quit whining, you say?

Sounds groovy.

Talk to you tomorrow after my shred!

Mandy - Day 6, again

Weigh in - 137.8 

Seriously, Jillian, I ain't in it for the blogging.  Where's my weight loss?  What's that, Jill?  I shouldn't have eaten 5 slices of pizza with bacon and extra cheese for dinner, with dip? 

Excuses, Jillian.  You owe me.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sarah - Day 3.2

Phewf. It was hard to get going today, I tell ya.

My beautiful baby Talulah was not wanting to go to bed yet again. I reeeeally hope it's just a phase and that it passes SOON. It's rough. She's sleeping now, finally relaxed around 9:00 tonight. Two hours past bed time. Sigh…

I started the shred twice and had to stop to go to Talulah's room. I guess she really believes in "third time's a charm" because on my third attempt (starting over with the warm up… no shortcuts!) I got to complete day 3 of level 1 (again). Seriously though, one more interruption and I probably would have given up and skipped the night.

So, Mandy - I couldn't figure out how to watch something PVR'd and play the video at the same time. Wait…. Did you play the DVD on your laptop and then watched Modern Family on your TV? Cause that just occurred to me that I could do that. And I will tomorrow.

I'm nervous that I won't work as hard if Jillian doesn't have my full attention. But really, I do know the circuits so it should be fine. If I slack off though, then no TV for me! I need to get in shape!

My March vacay that I needed to be buff for isn't gonna happen. Well, it might… But probably not. My BFF Colleen isn't able to go anymore. I thought maybe I'd just take a trip solo, and I still might, but I'm leaning more towards cancelling and saving the vacation time. I still want to be comfortable in my skin though, so I'm gonna keep on keepin' on.

Tonight I wasn't a fan of Jillian. I believe my final words after the cool down were, "Screw you, Jillian." right before I turned the power off on my DVD player.

Oh well… at least I finished.

Until tomorrow. Good night!

Mandy - Day 5, again

Weigh in - 138... I oinked out on carbs today.... mmmmm..... my drug of choice.

Day 5 was okay - watched PVR Modern Family... I highly recommend TV to numb the pain, once you get the circuits down... it flies by, and I don't have to wonder who's fart Jillian is smelling.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sarah - Day 2.2

Okay, so I'm not as awesome as Mandy. I didn't do Level 1 as many times as she did, (that's not a dig at you Mandy, it's a testament of my slacking) therefore I don't find it as boring. It's still hard for me! I'm not sure I can do it without watching, and listening to, Jillian.

But tonight I'm my own kinda awesome…. Talulah's at her dad's house and, instead of running around like a crazy person trying to get "everything" done like I normally do….. I decided not to.

It's 7:30pm, I'm shredded, showered and sitting on my couch ready to watch Love Actually.

That's right…. No laundry, no groceries, no errands, just me, (well, and Jillian… but she's gone now) and a movie.


Good night all!

Mandy - Day 4, again

Weigh in - 138.

So, I previously bragged about how awesome I was, so awesome that I could Shred and read a book too.  Tonight, my A-HA! moment... PVR TV while I Shred! 

Instead of hatefully staring down Jillian, I watched Gabby fall in love with a doll on Desperate Housewives.  Shredding just got sooooo much more entertaining. 

Seriously, I could Shred in my sleep I've done level 1 so many times now - this spices it right up.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sarah - Day 1.2

Helllloooooo! I bet you thought I was never gonna start again. I bet you almost forgot who I was….

Well, I'm back. I'm excited. I'm effing tired. I'm shredded.


Of course, my first day of my second attempt couldn't just be easy on me. Oh no. Talulah (who's been having issues going to bed lately) still wasn't asleep TWO HOURS past her bed time. Two hours. Goodness. It's so hard… SO HARD when bed time is such a battle and takes such a long time.

I swear, an hour and a half into it and I was ready to cry. (I bbm'd Mandy with a mini-meltdown.) I was scared that it was going to be midnight before I'd be able to shred. And I've been exhausted lately. EXHAUSTED.

Aside from Talulah not wanting to go to bed even though she's sosososososo tired, I've still been suffering from this damn insomnia bug. Seriously. I can't take it. It's SOOOOOO hard for me to get out of bed in the morning. Most days I want to cry.

Today at work, I was wiped. So wiped that I actually took a 20 minute nap under my desk during my lunch break. And I actually fell asleep. I'm totally doing it tomorrow too…. And I might try to smuggle in a pillow.

Anyway, tonight it was two hours past Talulah's bedtime and she still wasn't asleep. I left her room for the bazillionth time and listened. She was crying, but not really crying… More like tired complaining crying. So, I decided to shred through it and see if she'd be asleep by the end of it. I kept the shred volume low so I'd hear if she got worked up again. But she didn't…. And I shredded… And now she's asleep.

Thank goodness.

So, with my snazzy new shoes that I bought from The Running Room yesterday (spent two hours with one of the Running Room guys to find just the right pair) and my shock absorbing exercise mat I made it through an entire shred without any modified cardio! Yayaya!

Oh, and…. contrary to my earlier belief…. 3 lb weights are much heavier than chickpea cans. Much heavier. My poor flabby little arms are going to yell at me tomorrow. But hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Anyway, I'm off to shower and hit the sack. Cross your fingers that I don't get a visit from Mr. Insomnia tonight. He's an a$$hole.

OH! I almost forgot. I have yet to purchase a scale for at home. But I weighed myself at work on Sunday night and my starting weight is 138.6 lbs. (That was with all of my clothes and winter boots on…. I'm sure it doesn't make THAT much of a difference, but I'm feeling insecure and therefore wanted to mention it.)

Okay… for real. Good night!

Mandy - Day 3, again

Weigh in is 137.6!  Wootiewootwoot.  AND, although I shaved my legs for the first time in a month, I don't think that was the entire 1.2 lbs lost from yesterday!

Shred was tough, but especially since I'm reading "The Birth House" and couldn't put it down... it's infinitely harder to do crunches and not lose your spot on your page....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mandy- Skip.

For frig!  It is IMPOSSIBLE as a single mom to commit to this program 30 days straight.  It's 7:48 pm (read: 48 minutes past Shae's bedtime) and she's on the couch watching Beauty and the Beast.  During my regularly scheduled Shred time... so here I sit... waiting for the kid to yawn. 

I'm going to say I'm waiting for Sarah - don't want to get too far ahead of her.  Weighed in at 138.8. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mandy - Day 2, again

After the shred - 138.4 lbs.  Up from 137.6.  I build muscle FAST.

Okay, really, it likely has something to do with the poutine I had for supper.  But come ON, I even shovelled today, and carried a 24 pound, 2 year old all over the mall!   Eff you, cheesefriesandgravy!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mandy - Day 1. Again.

Okay, I'm starting over.  I had my little breakdown on my last post, and I feel better.  Try, try again, right?

I'm doing it properly this time.  I swear on all that is sacred (Bailey's, credit, Facebook) that I will Shred for 30 days.  Straight.

A few things that will help me this time:

- I bought a scale.  This way, there's no "this scale said this, and that one said that, and it was at a different time of the day, and those boots are heavy, and lace underwear is lighter than cotton, yaddayaddayadda".  One scale.  One time of day.  Naked.

- I bought 3 lb weights.  Seriously, if there's one thing I would tell people starting this, it would be, "Buy appropriate sized weights".  You can't focus on form and reps if you're so uncomfortable or unable to properly perform the exercise.  I was using 5lbs on my first go - too heavy.

- I managed to grow boob 3 and boob 4 from all the Christmas food.  Ladies, you know what I mean.  In that spot between where your boobs used to sit (before you hit 30 and nursed a kid or two and failed to properly sling them every day, even at night to prevent gravity from gittin' you) and your armpit.  That fat deposit?  My new boobs.  Right there.  They gotta go.

So, I did it.  Day One of Level One.  Starting weight on the OFFICIAL scale:  137.6 lbs

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mandy - Day... Who The Heck Knows Anymore?

Dear Jillian Michaels,

Let me open with, I think you look amazing in your 30 Day Shred video.  Your cohorts, also amazing.  You must work REALLY hard to maintain that physique, and live off plain lettuce, beans, and skinless chicken.  Every day, when you pull on your cropped pants and sports bra, and notice that they simply sit on the surface of your skin, rather than snuggle into your back fat, it makes those meals worth it.  You are awesome.

I think it's important to praise you first, because I'm going to rip you a new A-hole for telling me that in 30 days, I will be transformed.  I will be shredded.  Absolutely, I saw results.  But what your DVD does not have, is a warning label.  It should state, "Don't delude yourself into thinking you can do this for 30 days straight.  Enclosed is a monotonous, torturous set of activities to bore you to death, and cause you to walk with a limp from over doing it."  I might have been shredded after 30 days.  But there isn't a chance I'll ever know.  Well, perhaps if I hit the winning numbers and get to jet off to Fiji at a whim, and have someone to cook for me, clean for me, and work my full time job (but not someone to care for my toddler, I like that job), I won't relish the time I get to simply SIT ON MY FAT ASS so much and will manage to Shred for 30 days.

Further, I believe it should include a leaflet that discourages people from taking on this task during the holidays.  Any holidays, but particularly Christmas.  I have not shredded since Dec 23rd.  I am noticeably fatter (my skinny pants would have screamed at me if they had a voice this morning), and well, entering JANUARY... the bleakest month of the year.  Bikini season is something I heard about... one time... I'm not sure there is a summer? 

So, Jillian... what I am getting to, is this:  I would like to Shred 3 times a week, and reintroduce running at the gym on my lunch 2 times a week.  I miss running, and you were sapping all my already limited energy.  You're going to have to cry into the spirulina laced protein shake you're having for breakfast.

Your friend,