Monday, January 17, 2011

Sarah - Day 5.2

First, let me say…. Mandy - You're my hero. I think you're amazing and you kick ass. For real.

So, I'm finished my second attempt at day 5. Phewf… It felt good! I pushed myself harder today, not that I don't normally work hard. I just worked WAY harder today. When I thought I couldn't lift my 3lb weights up to my eyes while doing a side squat any longer, I just pushed through it! I'm surprised my grunting didn't wake up Talulah.

Speaking of Talulah, she still didn't want to sleep tonight. After a valiant effort on my part, and an hour and a half of "bed time", I told her that Mommy was done saying goodnight and it was time to go to sleep. I gave her a few kisses and an, "I love you" and left the room.

She laid there for literally an hour singing, "No cose eyes Mommy" over and over and over again…… It was adorable. She's sleeping now, and I didn't have to go back into her room even once. Now, I'll have to work on cutting down the time I'm saying goodnight.

Anyway, I'm shredded… My kid's sleeping… And I feel good!

Oh, except the fact that I still forgot to buy a 9 volt battery. I'm awesome.

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