Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mandy - Day 13, again

Weigh in - 136.4 lbs

That's right!  I shredded!

No, I did NOT find my copy, but a fellow shredder, Joelene, mentioned she saw the Shred at Walmart for a whopping $6.83... and lo, I found one! 

I immediately got into "The Squat" and looked directly into Shae's eyes and turned on the mom tone, "Shaelin.  Do you remember how you lost mommy's "exercise" (as she calls it)?  Do not lay ONE FINGER on mommy's new exercise, OK?"

She looked very serious and said "Okay, mommy.  I no lose exercise.". 

The word of a 2 year old is golden, right?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you found it at Walmart. I know how much you missed Jillian the last couple of days! LOL
