Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sarah - (Almost Day 8.2)

Ha! I love that I thought I'd be able to shred while away for the weekend. I'm so optimistic.

It was a relaxing time, but also busy. We had hotel babysitters booked for both Friday and Saturday nights so Colleen and I could visit with my work peeps and their families and have a few drinks.

So, the babysitter was booked until midnight both nights. When we got back Talulah was sleeping so I wasn't going to shred and wake her up. (Plus, I was exhausted!)

During the day we spent most of the time in a HUGE bouncy castle (so I DID get some exercise!), and getting Talulah's face painted and trying to get her to nap….

Anyway, it was a GREAT weekend, but I'm really glad to be home. We just got here and I have unpacking, tidying, cleaning and parenting to do. If I'm not too tired tonight then I'll pick up my shred again… If I'm too tired I'll pick it up tomorrow.

Hope y'all had a great weekend… And hopefully I'll update again tonight after I shred. :)

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