Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sarah (aka: Worst Shredder Ever) - Skip

So, my hot date was a no-go. But, did I shred??

No. I did not.

I ended up working late, then went home had cereal for dinner again and went to bed because I had to come into work early today. I was here before 7am and have a meeting (that might go into overtime) from 5:00 - 6:00 tonight.... It's going to be a looooooooooooong day. Sigh.

Then I'm going to drop off Luisa's (Hi Luisa, if you're reading!) exersaucer and high chair (that I borrowed for my nephew's visit) and have a quick visit with her and the boys. Probably a very very quick visit because I'm going to be half dead by the end of my long day.

Because I'm such a slacker (and really I'm the only one who's going to pay the price, but still...) I decided to post a couple of funnies to entertain you.

Have you ever seen the website? Sometimes I have out-of-control laughing fits while reading. So, here are some "I'm sorry I suck so bad at shredding" funnies for your reading pleasure:


  1. Likey. Likeylikeylikey. Sigh. Like I need another diversion from work.

  2. You will have hours and hours of pleasure from this site.

    You're welcome.

  3. Hi Sarah! I am reading!! Sorry we couldn't visit time we'll have to arrange a time when I don't have the boys to myself.
    And btw, I think you looked great tonight!
