Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mandy - Day 4, again

Weigh in - 138.

So, I previously bragged about how awesome I was, so awesome that I could Shred and read a book too.  Tonight, my A-HA! moment... PVR TV while I Shred! 

Instead of hatefully staring down Jillian, I watched Gabby fall in love with a doll on Desperate Housewives.  Shredding just got sooooo much more entertaining. 

Seriously, I could Shred in my sleep I've done level 1 so many times now - this spices it right up.

1 comment:

  1. I shredded alongside my hubby tonight...he started whining before he even got half way done cycle 2...
    I watched him butcher the lunges and I was wondering if I looked that silly to anyone watching me...
