Monday, January 10, 2011

Mandy - Day 3, again

Weigh in is 137.6!  Wootiewootwoot.  AND, although I shaved my legs for the first time in a month, I don't think that was the entire 1.2 lbs lost from yesterday!

Shred was tough, but especially since I'm reading "The Birth House" and couldn't put it down... it's infinitely harder to do crunches and not lose your spot on your page....


  1. "Hi, my name's Mandy. I'm so fit I can shred while reading a book. I don't even have to put it down, that's how awesome I am."

    Whatever Mandy….. Whatever….

  2. Dont' hate me because my biceps bulge and my boob muscles are outta this world.

  3. Hahahahaha settle down now hahahaha
