Friday, January 7, 2011

Mandy - Day 1. Again.

Okay, I'm starting over.  I had my little breakdown on my last post, and I feel better.  Try, try again, right?

I'm doing it properly this time.  I swear on all that is sacred (Bailey's, credit, Facebook) that I will Shred for 30 days.  Straight.

A few things that will help me this time:

- I bought a scale.  This way, there's no "this scale said this, and that one said that, and it was at a different time of the day, and those boots are heavy, and lace underwear is lighter than cotton, yaddayaddayadda".  One scale.  One time of day.  Naked.

- I bought 3 lb weights.  Seriously, if there's one thing I would tell people starting this, it would be, "Buy appropriate sized weights".  You can't focus on form and reps if you're so uncomfortable or unable to properly perform the exercise.  I was using 5lbs on my first go - too heavy.

- I managed to grow boob 3 and boob 4 from all the Christmas food.  Ladies, you know what I mean.  In that spot between where your boobs used to sit (before you hit 30 and nursed a kid or two and failed to properly sling them every day, even at night to prevent gravity from gittin' you) and your armpit.  That fat deposit?  My new boobs.  Right there.  They gotta go.

So, I did it.  Day One of Level One.  Starting weight on the OFFICIAL scale:  137.6 lbs


  1. OMG… I have like 27 boobs. And I've seen your pics, you're hot and you have a kick ass bod. Just sayin'.

    GOOD FOR YOU for starting over and being a superstar! You're my hero!

    So, are you doing it EVERY day? Or three days per week and running two days?

    I'll be starting over on Monday. Then I'll be a superstar too. :)

  2. I'm not running. Truth is. It's January. I don't want to go get into my frosty car on lunches.

  3. Good for you! Bad for me! Now I feel lazy again...

    I never thought of those as boob 3 and boob 4. I better not use that explanation around hubby, somehow I can see him wanting me to keep them if it means he has four ta-tas, and one set doesn't even belong to the baby!! ;)
