Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sarah - Day 10!!!

Yay! Day 10 is complete! (And guess what… I did it thinking it was only day 9, but then I read Mandy's comment on my last post. Yahoooo!)

So, this also means Level 1 is complete. Yay!!!!!!

My last weigh-in (yesterday morning) was 133.6. I don't know where those 5 lbs went cause I don't look any different. My clothes don't feel any different. Why-oh-why doesn't instant gratification apply when it comes to exercise?

I mean, I feel better… Like stronger, and I can do more, and I'm proud of myself. But I'm so done with the flab. (I know, I know… You're all shaking your heads saying, "Then quit slacking off!" I completely agree.)

Anyhoo, I shredded this morning so I won't have to do it tonight! I've got plans to go to my beautiful (and SO FUNNY) friend Stephanie's house. I'm excited, we haven't had good quality time together in ages. I miss her.

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope you're all having a fantastic weekend.

Oh, and something for the road… This is Mandy:

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! Those are TOTALLY my biceps and you NAILED the eyes.
