Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sarah - Day 9.2

FINALLY!!! My second attempt at day 8 is complete!

I think I worked way harder than normal today, but I feel good! I know I'm mostly a slacker, but I'm really proud of myself! Do you know how many push-ups I can do? Well, neither do I… But I can do them for the whole time that I'm supposed to! Tomorrow I'll try to remember to count them. :)

I'm kind of nervous for Level 2. I've never been to level 2 before…. It's a pretty scary unknown. But I want to be like Mandy! I want my belly to flatten out! (Even more importantly, I'd like aaallll of my flab to exit the scene.) So, instead of being scared of Level 2, I will embrace it.

That's right.

And I have two more days to get ready for the big embrace.

I forgot to weigh-in. I'll have to do that with my blog post tomorrow.


  1. I have GREAT GREAT GREAT NEWS. This is Day 9.2. Better edit.

  2. OMG… You really are my hero! I totally thought I just finished day 9.2, but really it was DAY 10!!! Holy crap! Tomorrow's level 2!

