Friday, December 17, 2010

Sarah - (Almost) Day 8

Okokokokok... I KNOW. But, I'm not actually fully and completely slacking.

Last night, my beautiful friend Amber came into town with her delicious new baby boy Sullivan (6 weeks old) and we were having a meet and greet at my house.

Seriously, Sully is worth every second of slacking on my shred. He's SO adorable, and SO sweet, and SO happy! I got to snuggle him, be his perch for a nap, change his outfit, carry him around, give him a trillion kisses, play with him, burp him, put him in his car seat (Remember bucket seats? It's been so long since Talulah was in one that I almost forgot about them. It brought back waves and waves of sweet memories of baby Talulah... Sigh), assist with a diaper change, etc. etc. etc.

I even got some amazing little Sully smiles and stories at the end of the night. MELT.

I love him.

It was a splendid visit.

Anyway, there was no shredding last night. Sully and Amber were visiting until late and then I drove my sweet McKenzie home so it was a LAAATE night for me.

On the bright side, when I shred tonight it should be EXTRA hard as a punishment for two days in a row of non-shredding.

I'm sure Jillian will make me pay dearly for my laziness busy schedule.