Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sarah - Day 10

Yaaayyy! Day 10 is complete!

I tried to wear heels at work again today, but not so much. The box of shoes under my desk is feeling rather neglected. Poor poor shoes…. Soon, my loves. Soon.

Modified cardio is going great! I'm getting better at all of the moves and did a few more man push-ups than yesterday. Yay!

Tomorrow is supposed to be Level 2. We'll see how my joints are feelin' tomorrow and decide if I'll stay at Level 1 for a few more days or brave Level 2 with the modified cardio.

OH…. And I'm getting more flexible too! I've always been twisty, but since I've grown up I've had issues with touching my toes, etc.

The cool down at the end of the workout calls for sitting with your legs apart, like as much of the splits as you can do, and then grab your toe and stretch to one side, then the other… etc. etc. etc. Well, for me before it was more of grabbing my CALF instead of my toe. But now I can grab both toes and still go down farther! I wonder how long it'll take for my nose to touch me knee!

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