Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mandy - Day 3

You know what I said I'd do on Day 1 that I won't be doing after all?

Running 2x a week.

In fact, I'm thinking it will be a miracle if I can manage to walk from my desk at work to the lunch room to make me a coffee in the 15 minutes I'm allotted for a break. 

My. Calves. Hurt.

In fact, the only time some part of my body is not screaming at me is if I lay on my back in bed and do not move anything.  My body can handle the rise and fall of my chest wall as I breathe.  That's it.

Some of the most torturous requests that beeotch (sp?) Michaels makes of me?  Jump rope.  With no rope.  Woah, not just workin' my body out, also flexing my creative bone.  That's cool.  Not cool on hobbled calf muscles. 

She also does this side lunge with this move that entails lifting your weights (2 5lbs for me) from your waist to eye level with straight arms.  I call it, "effyoujillian".  My armpits hurt?  Seriously.  I've modified that one by setting down one weight and just lifting one with both hands holding it.  Effyoujillian.

I did weigh me on my daycare's scale.  I think it's a wretched, hateful piece of garbage.  It lied read 138.  I hate it.  I'm buying me a scale that loves me asap.


  1. muscle weighs more than fat? That's all I've got for you... You are my hero for doing this. really. Seriously.

  2. Mine too... maybe I will try it when you are done and I will either die or laugh at you youngens lol

  3. You are totally hysterical, and ALMOST make me want to start shredding too, I have decided to see if you survive first, how are you explaining your inability to move and walk normally to The Girl? Be cheerful or you will turn her off of exercising for life! Hey I wonder if that is why I hate it so much?
    Hang in there...and keep posting

  4. I love your thoughts on the scale..hahaha
