Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sarah - Update on the Update

Jan - I tried to update from my blackberry while laying in bed with Talulah last night, but it was a no-go. My phone did not want to cooperate. I didn't think anyone was reading anymore now that Mandy's finished!

Talulah is still sleeping in my bed, which I'm enjoying, and we're working on her going to sleep on her own and then me joining her later. We had success one night, but every other night she just stays in bed for like five minutes and then plods out to see where I am.

I still haven't decided if it's a good idea to START co-sleeping at this point, but I like the night time snuggles so I'm not too concerned for now. She's getting a new bed soon (a double instead of a toddler bed) so when we switch out her bed I figured we'll work on her sleeping in her own room again.

Soooooo... the reason I'm saying all of this on here is because my evenings are kind of gong-shows right now. I shredded once since my last post, but didn't have time to update. Then tried to shred another night but Talulah decided it was NOT going to happen.

I think that shredding (and blogging about it) every day is too much to commit to. Mandy's a superstar for getting through it. I'm just going to bring my gym stuff back to work to workout on my lunch break, I'm also going to try out the yoga place by my house, and I'll keep shredding slowly but surly getting through it.

I may post on here about progress every now and then.... But definitely not an every day dealio.


  1. Gym and yoga are great!

    I've still been checking in too...just for the record. ;)

    Enjoy your snuggles....Lulah beats Jillian Michaels ANY day.

  2. but but I AM STILL READING!!!
    Good Luck!

  3. I've been checking in too. :-)

    Good for you with your new plan! You can do it!!!

  4. "I'll keep shredding slowly but surly getting through it."

    Don't be surly. heeeheeee
