Monday, February 14, 2011

Sarah - Update Again

First, let me say….

WAY TO GO MANDY!!! You're a superstar! Sure, the shred may not have been the best tool for weight loss, but YOU DID IT! You finished all 30 days! YAAAAHOOOOo!!

Second, my update…

I've decided to finish the shred as well. Although I'm only on what, Day 12 or something?? I'll still give it a go. Tonight, I won't be doing it though (I know, I know… *rolls eyes*). But I have a good excuse!

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day and, while I don't have a significant other to share the oh-so-special day with… I do have an uber adorable daughter who has some friends at daycare that she'd like to celebrate with. :) I completely forgot that today was going to be our "making valentine cards for Talulah's friends" day…. Instead we had a superfun playdate with Talulah's pal Jack (he was born the day before her) playing in the snow and walking down by the river.

So, I finished making the cards at around 11:30pm and then got started on the rice krispie squares that she'll be bringing to share with her friends. They were going to be heart shaped, but apparently I gave up the heart shaped cookie cutters in the divorce. Ha! So, instead I bought a bag of the mini multi-coloured marshmallows and separated out all of the pink ones. Then, I stirred the pink 'mallows in with the cereal so there are little pink love spots throughout the squares.

Anyway, it's now 12:13am and I'm waiting for them to cool so I can cut them into mini squares (to put in pink cupcake paper thingies).

I could be shredding while I'm waiting for the cooling process, but instead I'm updating the blog and then I'll get myself ready for bed before I get to cuttin'.

Mandy's a superstar. I think anyone and everyone who read this blog needs to comment on her final blog post below to let her know how proud we all are of her! (I will be commenting to tell her how proud I am, and also to apologize for being the worst ever shredding, co-blogging partner in the world.)

I love you Mandy! Amazing job!

1 comment:

  1. Heehee - this post makes me giggle. And that made me jiggle.
