Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mandy - DAY 30!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!! THE FINISH LINE!!!!!

Weigh in - 135.6

I'm stubborn - the only reason I can think of that I finished this... I'm likely never going to do it again.  My plan is treadmill 3 x a week, and stealing a lot of the strength moves Jillian showed me.

So - not a total loss.  Just not a weight loss.  Ha.

Adios JILLIAN!  Go torture other women!  I am over you!


  1. "Did you ever know that you're my heeeero? You're everything I wish I could beeeeee. I can fly hiiiigher than an eagle, cause you are the wind beneath my wings…" (Picture Bette Midler serenading you…)

    You're one kick-ass dedicated woman and I'm super proud of you!

    I'm also super sorry that I'm the worst partner ever to have done this with. I promise that next time we decide to do something together I won't ditch out on you like the biggest ditcher ever.

    Go Mandy Go! You're awesome. Amazingly awesome. The awesomest of all awesome shredders in the history of awesomeness.

  2. WOO HOO!!!

    You rock!!!

    That's all. (:

  3. Way to go Mandy....SUPASTAR!!!!!!!!
